Test Library

Preferred Specimen(s) 1 mL Serum

Instructions: Centrifuge and immediately separate serum specimens from the cells into clean, plastic, screw-capped vial(s). Transport refrigerated (cold packs).

Transport Container Red-top tube (no gel)

Transport Temperature

  • Room Temperature: Not defined,
  • Refrigerated : Not applicable,
  • -20oC Long term

Reject Criteria

  • Gross hemolysis
  • Hyperlipemia

Methodology Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Clinical Significance Cysticercosis is caused by infection with the larval form (cysticercus) of the pork tapeworm Taenia solium. Clinical manifestations of cysticercosis most commonly result from the lodging of cysticerci in brain and neural tissue. Common symptoms of eurocysticercosis include seizures and convulsions. Antibodies from other parasitic infections, especially echinococcosis, may cross-react in the Cysticercus IgG ELISA. Confirmation of positive ELISA results by the Cysticercus IgG Antibody Western Blot is recommended.