Acid Fast Stain-Ziehl Neelsen Method

Preferred Specimen(s)

  • Sputum (Three consecutive morning samples are preferred; Random samples are also acceptable),
  • Gastric lavage ( Patient should be fasting for previous 12 hours),
  • BAL,
  • Tracheal secretion,
  • urine,
  • Pus,
  • Body fluids, tissue,
  • Bone marrow in heparinised tubes,
  • Stool

Instructions Specimens of gastric aspirates should be neutralized with 1 gm of sodium carbonate per 15 ml of specimen before transport to the laboratory. Specimens should be delivered to the laboratory within one day of collection.

Transport Container Slide carrier or sterile plastic screw-cap container with sample type labeled

Transport Temperature Slide at Room Temperature & other specimens refrigerated

Methodology Microscopic Examination

Clinical Significance The ZiehlNeelsen method serves to confirm the acidfast nature of recovered organisms from solid media and from positive broth cultures detected by the MGIT 960.