Uric Acid , 24-Hour Urine

Includes Creatinine, 24-Hour Urine

Preferred Specimen(s) 10 mL urine

Instructions Collect urine without preservative. Do not acidify the specimen. Do not include first morning specimen; collect all subsequent voiding. The last sample collected should be the first morning specimen voided the following morning at the same time as the previous morning’s first voiding.

Record the 24-hour urine volume on test request form and urine vial. Please submit a 10mL aliquot of a 24-hour condition and aliquot unpreserved specimen prior to addition of any acid.

Transport Container Plastic screw-cap container

Transport Temperature Refrigerated 7 days

Reject Criteria

  • Received frozen
  • Urine Received with preservative

Methodology Spectrophotometry

Clinical Significance Urine uric acid may supplement serum uric acid testing when trying to identify conditions in which there is alteration of uric acid production or excretion, e.g., gout, leukemia, renal disease. The amount of uric acid excreted may be useful in treating asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Measurement of urine uric acid is important in the investigation of urolithiasis.